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Friday, May 14, 2004


Just a quick update on some of the web strips I have reviewed recently.

9TH ELSEWHERE: This strip is really picking up steam. If you aren’t reading it now, YOU SHOULD START READING THIS NOW!

ASYLUM ON 5TH STREET: This strip has gone on hiatus for personal reasons. Support the artist one of two ways. First, you could go to the artists site (http://www.jinwicked.com/en/art/index.html) and buy original art. It’s not related to the strip, but some of it is really nice. Otherwise, you could just send money to the artist’s PayPal account at jin-nospam@spamnot-jinwicked.com. Tell her the Comics Aficionado sent you.

PvP: This strip is running a hilarious story that was done on 24 hour comic day. Two words: NERD THIEF.

THEATER HOPPER: Just did a great bit on the movie, VAN HELSING. Say have you seen my disbelief?

CHUGWORTH ACADEMY: Dave just wrapped up a warped storyline about terrorism. What does he have up his artistic sleeve next I wonder? You should too.

POCKYBOT: What is Cory You thinking? I dunno, I am too busy looking at the pretty pictures.

CTRL+ALT+DEL: Keeps on a rolling along. Very finely, I must admit.

ACID KEG: This strip reminds me why I’ll never be a rock groupie.

And three new strips for you…..


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