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Friday, February 20, 2004



Writer: Steve Gerber
Penciller: Brian Hurtt
Cover: Tomer Hanuka
Publisher: DC Focus
Published: February 4, 2004, 56 pages, Color, $2.50


I rarely review regular “pamphlet”/monthly comics due to the manic complexity of getting all the issues together and then reading them. (That may be one of my first rants. Hmm…) HOWEVER, I did pick up this first issue of HARD TIME from DC Focus, a new line from DC comics. I always like to check out stuff that claims to be new. (That curiosity is a double-edged sword, especially with monthly comics.)

Part of the attraction is because it is written by Steve Gerber, whom I know mostly as a writer for Marvel Comics back in the 70’s and early 80’s. Most people know him as the man who created and wrote HOWARD THE DUCK for Marvel and DESTROYER DUCK at Eclipse. As a kid, I was fascinated with most of his run on THE DEFENDERS. There is something magical about issues 27 to 40 of that title.

The art is by Brian Hurtt (yes, with two ts). Brian is most recognized for his work on QUEEN & COUNTRY: DECLASSIFIED, SKINWALKER and THREE STRIKES. All of them come from Oni Press. He also did GOTHAM CENTRAL #11.

Since this is the first issue, it sets the tone for the series. HARD TIMES is complex and intense and it hooks the reader quickly. I like this book. It is mature without being sophomoric. It is topical without a pandering attitude. It strikes a strong emotional chord, which resonates out in to the larger picture of Life.

I do have one fear. I always get worried that monthly comics will not tell a complete story. This is because, in part, they are so susceptible to the creative whimsy of corporate publishing. I hope the complete story of HARD TIMES gets published, but if I could predict the future then what fun would each day be?

Ladies and Gentlemen, the creative roller coaster is out of the boarding house. Who knows where the publisher and the creators have laid the tracks?

Here is Steve Gerber’s description of HARD TIME from his website. LINK

Click on the cover for DC's description of HARD TIME.

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